College & Grad School
We help you apply to
College, Grad School, and Jobs.
We connect with students
around the world
through Skype, Facetime,
Zoom, and Phone. (Parents, the service is for you too, because sometimes you just need help helping your kid.)
Now based in Gainesville, Florida.

We understand
the concerns.
Activity List: Tips for the College Résumé
(Basic. The Foundation.
Start Here.)
Higher Test Scores:
They Might Not Matter
(International students, Americans, college applicants, grad school applicants... This video is a MUST.)
The Resistant Applicant: How to handle someone who has other plans.
(Parents, grandparents, caregivers, this one's for you.)
Lack of AP Testing &
What To Do.
(Tips for maximizing your school's curriculum)
The In-School Counselor and The Outside Consultant.
(Filled with tips for maximizing working relationships. This video is for ALL APPLICANTS, undergrad and grad.)