College & Grad School
We help you apply to
College, Grad School, and Jobs.
We connect with students
around the world
through Skype, Facetime,
Zoom, and Phone. (Parents, the service is for you too, because sometimes you just need help helping your kid.)
Now based in Gainesville, Florida.

We understand
the concerns.
Virtual Counseling is the preferred method for busy students.
Students and parents appreciate the flexible nature of Skype, Telephone, WhatsApp, Facetime, You-Name-It counseling because it complements the student's busy schedule. Whenever possible, we take the opportunity to meet with students in person, but we find that after the first few in-person sessions, the majority of the work we do is less time intensive. We might have a 15-minute conversation about a summer opportunity or take a few minutes to exchange drafts of an essay. Because the student does not need to drive to an office for a meeting, we can be more efficient, and the student is able to stay in the rhythm of their unique busy schedule.
9:30pm meeting? Late night question, need to send a text message? Check.
Fact of the matter is that 95% of Private Applications students do their college counseling from the comfort of their own space, and they are happier for it.